Vampire Rave Halloween Contest 2023.
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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
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20:52:20 Sep 17 2023
Read 1,036 times

It's that time of the year again! As the leaves change, the temperature drops, the nights grow longer- it is time for the Vampire Rave Halloween Contest!

This contest is open to every member of the site. I, along with two other members who have agreed to judge, are the only ones not allowed to participate.

The contest is themed for Halloween and should open it up for all kinds of works. From All Hallow's Eve, Day of the Dead, The Great Hunt, Samhain, The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. However you see the season, let's celebrate it together.

The contest consists of two parts, so let's get started-

PART ONE: Profile design. Show us your skills. Not just code work but designs. And yes- that includes free membership profiles.

Prize: One-year membership for the best Premium profile. One-year membership for the best Free Member profile. That is right- free membership members will have its own prize. If no free profiles enter, the prize will be awarded to the runner- up in the paid memberships class. But I really hope you free members get into the fun.

I have more than one profile, can I enter more than one profile? YES!

What if I have a paid membership and a free one? Enter both? Yes! But you will only win one membership. Let's play fair.

How do I enter? You post in this thread, saying I have my profile ready to be entered from the profile. Do not send a message to me- post it in this thread so all members can enjoy seeing the profiles.

How long do I have to leave it up? The contest lasts till October 31st. It will take a few days after for the judges to view them, so we are asking you to leave them up till the winners are announced here in the forum.

What if I want to gift the prize to someone else? That is fine, just let me know.

PART TWO- Stories and Poetry. This part is for those who are skilled with the written words.

Again it needs to be Halloween themed and only original work is allowed. No limit on how long or short, just make sure it's your work. Ha! I made a rhyme, just on a dime. I need to stop, getting to be a lark...

Ok ok- shake it off, get back on track.

Prizes: One-year membership for the poetry. One-year membership for the best story. Again- if no one enters a story, the prize will be awarded to the runner up in the poetry group. But I am really looking forward to the stories as I have read a few journals that would prove the talent is here, in both forms of written words.

Can I enter both a poem and a story? Yes. And enter as many of them as you wish. It is not limited to how many times you enter; the more you enter the better. Just know if you win one membership, you will not win in another category.

How do I enter? Same as the profile- you will need to post your work here, in the thread. As with the profile so the whole site can enjoy your work.

Can I give the prize to another person if I win? Yes. Just need the member's name.

Some last minute things -

A total of four prizes of one year memberships is to be given away. You can not win more than one prize.

Three members will judge, vote for who wins. Two judges are not super active on the site, but are in good standings. Then myself as the third judge.

If you have a question, please ask here. This thread will be watched, and answered by any Admin who feels they can address the question. This is a contest I use to hold every year, bringing it back. The structure of it is the same as years past.

So with that--- the contest is started. Let's enjoy Halloween together and SPOOK THIS PLACE UP!!

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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
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21:25:11 Sep 17 2023
Read 1,015 times

I want to say Thank You to Vodka for doing editing on the post, and FalsexCure for the help in coding and image.

Yes, I can't wait either. :)

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Apparition (36)
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Coven of Elizabeth Batory is a member of an Alliance

Member of Coven of Elizabeth Batory
00:18:49 Sep 18 2023
Read 988 times


The creatures of the night captivate their prey.
This is the night that kills the innocence of the dawning day.
The ghouls anticipate their move to bring about their scares
to naive little children who are taken unawares.

The little cherub hands that hold their candy bags
are lining up the streets, smiling at scary clowns and old hags.
They impatiently wait for their bags to be filled with yummy treats.
The creatures of the night, they wait patiently without defeat.

When the innocence of youth is taken one by one.
Questions are always asked but what is done is done.
So take this story with caution and do not trick or treat.
Halloween night is not safe so please stay off the streets!


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Premiere Sire (127)
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Member of Sete Diabolica (Coven)
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02:42:48 Sep 25 2023
Read 831 times

I enter my profile but I still plan to write more words, for the story and obsessively correct any grammar errors,

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Needler (12)
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00:23:41 Oct 10 2023
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I wish to join on this profile please design contest.

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Phantom (28)
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22:17:42 Oct 19 2023
Read 652 times

Id like to enter this profile...I changed my mind from using goregasm

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Apostate (62)
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Letchworth (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Letchworth (Coven)
20:45:25 Oct 20 2023
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Entering my profile!!

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Sire (105)
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The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Nocturnal Retribution
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21:52:25 Oct 20 2023
Read 639 times

Profile ready for your amusement...Possibly...lol

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Shadow (10)
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00:45:54 Oct 21 2023
Read 636 times

I am entering the contest as a free account...which is not easy

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Incendiary (86)
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01:59:07 Oct 22 2023
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Free profile entry

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Evil One (74)
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Mother Earth (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Mother Earth (Coven)
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18:10:53 Oct 22 2023
Read 597 times

I would like to enter this profile in the Halloween Contest.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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Enlightened Souls (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Enlightened Souls (Coven)
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18:13:13 Oct 22 2023
Read 595 times

I would like to enter this profile into the Halloween Contest.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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Mystic Falls Of Wisdom (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Mystic Falls Of Wisdom (Coven)
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21:25:37 Oct 22 2023
Read 592 times

This profile is for the Halloween Contest 😊

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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
Vampire Rave member for 18 years.
08:41:34 Oct 25 2023
Read 532 times

If you wrote a story on your profile, please post the entry here.

That way it is entered as a story as well.

Double your chances of winning!

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Premiere Sire (125)
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17:38:59 Oct 28 2023
Read 490 times

This profile.

My restless spirit wants to move on from this place
But something won’t let me
Disembodied, ghostly
Do you remember the days of old,
The glory days?
The wonder and awe of living?
Sold me a dream can’t you see?
The stark differences beyond the veal
Remember when you used to love me?
Just a ghost to you now, invisible
But here I stay as my hope fades

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Premiere Sire (127)
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Member of Sete Diabolica (Coven)
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00:14:25 Oct 29 2023
Read 483 times

Welcome to my nightmare...

There's a story of man named Laddy. He was a Veteran of three world wars. Now he sits in the Psych ward at the Saint Francis Asylum. But there's much more to every story than most will never know.
It took three Bedlumpers to hold him down so the Doctor could administer Thorazine. I've heard a Few stories of Why he's here. I asked him once what happened after the War and the Only thing he would say is. "More Roast beef?"as he rocked back and forth in the Wheel chair.
While I was talking to nurse Lucy and she said he went insane after the everything he saw overseas. He lived at home for a few months. With his wife and the two kids, her mother they would often leave the kids for the weekend.
And Uncle Laddy's would fry up grilled cheese sandwiches. While the Woman went to get their nails and hair done. This was all well for a weeks until. The two decided that Mother should move in together. For a two Weeks while his wife went out of town for business conference. After a Week of The three in the same household. The Man became senile when the household ran out of food during a winter storm.
And When Nancy was about to venture to pick up a Few bags of groceries Laddy hit her in the head with a Hammer. Later that Evening, the kids asked about the where about of their grand mother While Laddy stirred a Steaming pot of Roast beef. And poured two Blue porcelain enamel bowls full of it Every night for a week. Every day the children would ask when grandma was coming back from the store, And when mother would return from the Business conference in Phoenix.
Laddy would never answer about the Where about of their grandmother but only asked if they were hungry.
Until two weeks later His wife returned home to find the children asleep in bed and Laddy and
Her mother missing.
She called the police and they later filed a report and waited on hold, While the operator waited to connect her call.
While she looked in the fridge for some dinner for the kids. While holding the phone against her shoulder while pulling out Ziplock bags of meat to prepare for the Children for dinner. Just as, She reached into the bag to pull out a Cut of meat. She feels around notice what felt like toes. As She glances down and saw her mothers Sunflower tattoo on a dismembered ankle And screams and drops the receiver.

Happy Halloween!

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Royal Sire (210)
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The House of Lunazure is a member of an Alliance

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01:52:54 Oct 29 2023
Read 477 times

Short Story

My best friend got mad at me last Halloween. Wow, did I ever screw up.

Last Halloween my best friend’s family had a get together. Family and very close friends only. I felt special that I was invited. His whole family was there. His parents, his younger brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, some of their friends. Several people I didn’t know, but I was introduced to several that day. And his sister. His sister.

His sister was a year younger than us, but she was always cute. As we grew older I noticed she matured a little faster than we did. Then she developed into a real beauty. If I didn’t come around to the house for a while, suddenly catching a glimpse of her when I did would take the air right out of me. She was naturally stunning to behold. I became nervous around her, unable to talk to her. But that was years ago. I wasn’t nervous around her at all this day.

Which is unfortunate. I admit I was bold; too bold. I made my way easily around the gathering, acting like I belonged there. People stopped noticing me, I was so casual about my surroundings. When I thought no one was looking, thinking I was alone, I got caught sniffing her panties.

Caught by my best friend.

What made it worse was that she was still wearing them.

Man, did that ever make the rest of her funeral awkward.

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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
Vampire Rave member for 18 years.
15:50:11 Oct 29 2023
Read 470 times

Yeah!!! Thank you both.

Few more days folks. Closes Tuesday at midnight.

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Incendiary (86)
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17:21:09 Oct 29 2023
Read 466 times

- Whispers of the Gothic Night -

In the heart of a forsaken realm, where the moon casts no silver gleam,
A tale of woe and dread unfolds, in the shadows of a gothic dream,
Beneath the crumbling towers and statues draped in creeping vine,
Lies a cursed land of eternal night, where the damned souls entwine.

Here, a haunted castle looms, its spires piercing the ink-black sky,
Its stone walls seeping melancholy, where forlorn spirits endlessly sigh,
Ivy, like an ageless memory, clings to the morose facade,
Within its depths, a tale of horror, where despair is ever clad.

Moss-covered tombs, like sentinels, stand in the moon's mournful glow,
Their epitaphs, forgotten whispers of those who rest below,
In the churchyard, where the silence is a heavy, chilling shroud,
The specters of the cursed haunt the graves, their voices soft, yet loud.

The chapel, a place of unholy rites, where crimson candles flicker low,
Within, the altar waits, adorned with sacrifices in a midnight show,
A convocation of phantoms, with hollow eyes of desolation,
Offer homage to the shadows, in a cursed congregation.

The forest that surrounds, an ancient, gnarled, and twisted wood,
Is home to beasts unseen, their roars like the growls of the misunderstood,
Beneath the boughs, the lost souls wander, seeking solace in the gloom,
Trapped in this nightmarish thicket, where the trees conceal their doom.

Within the manor's hallways, cold drafts whisper chilling verses,
In the dim candlelight, portraits on the walls mutter mournful curses,
Specters glide in a haunting dance, their gowns of tattered lace,
Twisting in a macabre waltz, they yearn for an escape.

A chamber sealed for ages past, hides a secret ever darker,
A cryptic, ancient passage, an abyss of endless ardor,
Where demons from forgotten realms, their eyes filled with despair,
Wait for the unsuspecting soul to wander into their snare.

So in this gothic nightmare, where despair and torment breed,
Beware the manor's chilling depths, where the darkest secrets feed,
For once ensnared within its grasp, you'll find no escape from here,
Your soul, forever imprisoned, in this realm of ceaseless fear.

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Sire (105)
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The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Nocturnal Retribution
Vampire Rave member for 1 years.
02:03:35 Oct 31 2023
Read 440 times

Can you see me
Floating above my head
As I lay there in the bed
Lifeless and still
You’re thinking everything
That you did not say
That you did not do
When we had
Another moment or two
You do not see
It does not dawn
Dead isn’t gone

Can you see me
Floating above your head
As you lay there in our bed
Reaching in mourn
You’re dreaming everything
That you did not say
That you did not do
Wishing for just
Another moment or two
You do not know
Your dreams my pawn
Dead isn’t gone

Can you hear me
Whispering into your mind
As you deny your confined
Lifeless and still
You’re regretting everything
That you did not say
That you did not do
Hoping for just
A moment or two
You do not feel
My breath you’re drawn
Dead isn’t gone

Can you hear me
Whispering into your mind
As you submit, your confined
Lost in mourn
You’re trapped in everything
That you did not say
That you did not do
Grasping for just
A moment or two
You begin to see
It begins to dawn
Dead isn’t gone

You can feel me
Floating above your skin
As you lay within your grin
Your body supine
You’re accepting everything
That you did not say
That you did not do
Yearning for just
Another moment or two
Your dreams my pawn
Dead isn’t gone

You can feel me
Floating above your skin
As you succumb to your sin
Your body limp
There is nothing left
That you did not say
That you did not do
As you lay in bed
Floating above your head
With me you belong
Dead isn’t gone.

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High Sire (157)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
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02:09:15 Oct 31 2023
Read 437 times

Children of The Hallows

Come one, come all… Brethren of the Fall…
Join me from the coldest shallows… Children of the Hallows…

Can you hear the howling of the hounds;
The call of the crows as their murders now impose;
The gathering of a night unbound,
In the candlelight, the faces that scar your sight?

As layin’ in the tombs, awakened by the swoon,
The vampires’ whisper o’er a fog-heavy dune;
The melancholy roar of the ghosts galore,
And the Witches begin to stir their cauldron a-boiling roar?

Walking alone, upon the wailing night;
Even side-by side, in a prancing rite;
Cackles so maniacal, ringing in your ears;
No need for justification.
It is time to embrace your greatest fears.

We have been here so many times before;
It is just so different, to-day, as the sun falls b‘yond the shore;
With the demons and devils, terrors and more,
In tow of the falling daylight, knocking at the door…

Come, ye, hither, brother and sister, One And All,
Beckoned by the season, the burning of the fall…
It is time to heed the autumn call of the night’s new shadows,
Awaken, once again, ye Children of the Hallows.

Brethren to the thorn, a toccata reborn,
In the spells of a world now long forlorn,
Nothing is condemned for the thrill, this night,
As long as we heed that code and plight…

Laughing with a madness, Cackle with the jackal at your side,
Raise the lanterns high with pride;
All things sanctified and vilified,
Since the dawn of time,
On this night, let the ostracized
Become the only rule you can’t deny.

One and all, faces in the walls,
Stand, everyone, now, proud and tall;
Become the black sheep of your own worlds,
As the wind may echo like a maniac's words.

Border on the mad-lands, and become manic;
Let the devilish light flicker in your eyes so tantric;
So sickeningly fantastic,
Let your minds, tonight, go frantic.

To drive away the demons that lie inside,
Let the lanterns light the path, for you;
Let the flames of the bonfire in your minds
Swirl and swoon, the madness to ensue.

Walk in the light of the jack-o-lanterns,
While the night draws on, as the fire still burns.
Join from the shadows, like the burning gallows;
Children of the Hallow.

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Apostate (62)
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Letchworth (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Letchworth (Coven)
06:10:59 Oct 31 2023
Read 414 times

~Cirque du Illusio~

Come and sit a spell, warm yourself by the fire while I spin a tale for you. Fall is the time of warm ciders, haunted houses and hayrides, candied apples and Jack-o-lanterns; a time of practical jokes, scares and spooks. It is also a time of change, when the leaves turn and dry, the air shifts and cools, there is such magic in the turning of the seasons; as life begins its long slumber. For this is when the borders between the world of the living and the realm of spirits thin and blur…where it fades.

There is one such place where the veil is thin and the spirits gather. At the edge of a forest there is a small trail that appears before curious travelers. Soft echoes of music and laughter dance amongst the trees as scents of buttery popcorn and treats float within gentle breezes. Following as it beckons they press on deeper and deeper, not knowing that as they traverse the path they are slowly slipping from what is stark into what is ethereal. As the sounds grow clearer, louder and the scents grow stronger, washing over them they lose the perception of time as it no longer exists here.

Coming upon a great opening amidst the trees they see the lights and the signs welcoming them, the great tent, the food stalls scattered along the outer ring, the games littered across the field, the majestic animals in their cages, the smiling faces of children eating their treats, aweing at the sights. Families, friends and lovers being wooed by the Fortune Teller, the acrobats as they fly, the clowns as they play their tricks and skits. Longing to be part of it all they pay the toll and join in the frolicking; eating and drinking and laughing all while being wooed and lured themselves.

Lost in the frivolities they fail to notice the eyes of the Ringmaster and his cirkies on them; watching every move and gesture, every bite and swallow, every gluttonous lick of a lip and finger. The fortune teller spies into her crystal ball and her fingers dance over the cards as she pulls them further beguiling them with promises of some great and lofty purpose in their future. The juggler astounds them with his feats of tossing and catching flaming objects and sharp blades. The game masters and vendors all sway and lull them into further gluttony; buy, eat, drink, stay just a little longer, have your fill and then some! Smiles stretch too thin…too wide as they bait them into sticking around for the big show.

As the sun sets along the west horizon, the lights shine bright, the horns blow, as the curtains to the grand tent slowly pull back and the lost souls enter and fill the arena. One by one the clowns come out, laughing and playing, taking their turns at the captive audience. The aerialists fly and plunge, making the onlookers' hearts plunge and beat with them as they ohh and ahh. Elephants play and lions roar, at the crack of the whip and the rise and fall of the claps and cheers. On and on the show goes on, a never ending escapade of thrills and chills, wonders and sights. Night turns to day, turns to night and then back to day, but as I said time fails to be relevant here. In this slippage the lost fail to see that they are fading, waning, becoming thin as the creatures of this show do feast, slowly sipping from them all that they are.

Silence falls as the Ringmaster takes his place upon the platform, his arms stretching as wide as his toothy smile. His boney pet contorting and slinking to his side, her eyes sunken, her nails rotting, he strokes her brittle, dark hair and smiles as the audience uncomfortably shifts. Raising his arms once more the rest of the cirkies appear and the illusions slowly fade. The bright lights of the circus dim and flicker, the colorful tent and outfits lose their brilliance and dinge takes its place, years of rot and tatter..decay set in. Gone are the happy facades of the Ringmaster and his crones, instead they see them for who and what they really are, starving, predatory, It is in the here and now that they come to realize as everything slowly rots around them that in fulfilling their gluttonous desires they have condemned themselves.

Weakened and unable to move, unable to scream, left with no choices but to watch as the Circus closes in on them for the final feed, the big finale as it were…they are left knowing that this is the never ending cycle, the cycle of their own lives, their own greed, their own pious desires. Their lights dim as the great gaping maw swallows. Is this the end? No, not for them and not for anyone that finds their way here, this is just the beginning as they join the Cirque du Illusio, drawing more and more in, to come and continue the cycle, the insatiable craving and hunger that never ends.

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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
Vampire Rave member for 18 years.
16:46:23 Oct 31 2023
Read 405 times

For those who waited till the last hours...it's time!

Thank you to everyone who has entered. Remember to leave your profiles up till all 3 judges have reviewed them, winner announced.

Thank you for making the contest a success.

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